Chapter 1: Arrival

blog 1

Debris everywhere, clueless of where I stand.Using extra precaution not to step on anything, that could potentially end my journey before it has even begun. Then it hits me that I am underwater! I can’t feel that I’m wet or even remotely suffocating. Being a little startled and trying to move at a normal pace, but can’t because of the weight of the water. Here I am in this new underwater world and I can’t understand how my lungs haven’t filled with water. I keep walking towards the only sign of civilization (if that is what I can even call it) so I can find someone to give me answers. With every step I can feel my legs getting tired, my muscles weakening and getting worked up. My arms, as much as I swung them, to try to help me move faster but I wasn’t making much progress.

As I get closer to this underwater city, I can see that the debris is less visible. There are these spherical looking buildings, some are on the floor and the others are on a rod type structure holding them higher. The buildings are enclosed and are not filled with water. The lights are so bright coming from these objects that as I get closer it gets harder to really look at them. Having to squint and also figure out how to get inside, so I can unravel these questions and confusing thoughts.

Finally, I get to a door with a compartment that will lead me to the inside of this place. There is a screen along with buttons to the right of this door. I press on one of the larger buttons to see if it will let me in and it does! Yes! Now being inside this compartment, I’m just as clueless as I was when I was on the other side. More buttons on the left of the room and labeled in a language I am unable to decipher. “Please let this guessing game be in my favor” is what I’m thinking at this point as I go and press the furthest button to the left. The door that I came in through starts closing and I’m trying to keep calm and not lose control now that I am locked in this room to what might be a nightmare. The water starts to flush out and as soon as my head is out of the water, I open my mouth and inhale the most air I can, as if I was running out of air.
















Works Cited:

Photo: Carson, J. Underwater Alien City. 16 April 2001. Undersea Cities. Discovery enterprise. 2 February 2016.

Song: TheShyGuyBeatMaker. “[Underwater]~ Bubbles” 3 February 2016.